Donnerstag, 1. März 2012

broken window

Last weekend one of the windows in my living room broke.
It was jammed and I tried to close it just a little bit harder and suddenly the glass cracked and crashed in the backyard.
I guess it had some flaws because I really didn't push it that much.
I'm glad that the glasser and apparently my landlord see it that way too. Everything is repaired now and it looks like I don't have to pay for it.
But a couple of days ago I created a little tongue twister while thinking aboute the word "broken":

A broke broker broke Brett's beautiful brass butterfly by biting it badly. (:

Oh, here are some photos of the broken window, by the way:





1 Kommentar:

  1. This broken glass looks like a bird among the twings, doesn't it? I love your tongue twister:)
